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don’t fly off the handle
不要这么冲动  detail>>
fly off the handle
发火 发飙,情绪失控 冒火, 勃然大怒 平时有教养的人突然失去常态  detail>>
to fly off the handle
fly是飞的意思 而handle是指斧头柄 美国人把有的人突然失去控制而勃然大怒的现象叫作 突然生气、发怒 我们来举个例子看看  detail>>
fly off
飞出 飞离 飞走 上移  detail>>
don’t turn off lights
不发光  detail>>
cut-off handle
截止手柄  detail>>
fuel cut-off handle
停油手柄  detail>>
main shut-off handle
主截止手柄  detail>>
the handle has come off
把儿脱了  detail>>
fly feet off
放起落架飞行  detail>>
fly hands off
松杆  detail>>
fly off at a tangent
突然改变行经 突然离题 沿切线方向飞出;越出常轨  detail>>
fly off at the mouth
气得大骂  detail>>
fly off course
飞离航线  detail>>
fly off the runway
离地  detail>>
fly-off competition
试飞比较  detail>>
fly-off head
脱落插头  detail>>
fly-off plug
脱开式插头  detail>>